Courses – Testimonials
Our How to SENDCo Course - September 2022:
- Being new to a SEND role, it was invaluable in giving me more knowledge of legislation and why we have to do certain things.
- It highlighted key areas linked to the SENDCo role, how to do a job well and where to look.
- The bags and goodies are fab! It was a really exciting and interesting course and I have learnt so much.
- Today was perfect for me at this stage in my role as SENDCo and will help me make more sense of the systems and processes in place at my school.
Our Play Based Therapy Course - October 2022:
- Beccie, Ruth and Jack were really warm and welcoming. They made us all feel comfortable and at ease.
- It was so engaging and relevant.
- There was so much to see and use – the wealth of resources that you let us have access to was amazing.
- The small sand trays and miniatures were fab. We could have a go and see what it felt like whilst you guided us.
Our Dealing with Dyscalculia Course - November 2022:
- I came in with very little knowledge – barely a thing. I am leaving with lots of learning and feel so much better about how to support learners with dyscalculia.
- The presenter was personable, approachable and friendly.
- I loved the pacey delivery.
- The presenter was very knowledgeable.
Our Reading Review Course January - 2023:
- I really liked the range of activities for us
- I loved how everything was backed up with evidence, reports and up to date research.
- The presenter was so informative in her style yet entertaining.
- A really high quality course!
Our SEND and Inclusion Session -January 2023:
- The content was all excellent and so relevant.
- The time was used very well.
- Lovely delivery, very engaging and really helpful.
- Very well presented and organised.